A Little More About Us
We understand that for some, church can be a little uncomfortable, which can cause a certain measure of apprehension or even fear. Jesus lived the most amazing life, and His message is powerful, practical and revolutionary, yet, this image of the church is not always well portrayed in the media today.
Church for us, is a “getting together” of people who are being changed day by day by following Jesus. We're far from perfect, and that is why we understand the need for the church. Sometimes life is messy, often chaotic, but as we journey together we find ourselves as part of a community of faith where we find encouragement, hope, strength and life. If you are on a journey towards faith, whatever stage you are at, we’ve found the Church Family helps people on that journey. We look forward to meeting you.
Most people dress casually, so don’t worry about that. We are a Pentecostal church that believes in the ministry of the Holy Spirit.
We realize that some people are shy about attending a new church, so check out our youtube videos and facebook book page for even more pictures and videos.
Nursery, City Kids & Club 56
Sunday Mornings / 10:30 AM

Follow us on Facebook and Youtube.
City Church Halifax
276 Herring Cove Road
Halifax Nova Scotia
B3P 1M1
PHONE - 902 479 CITY
Amet: nulla@vestibulumlorem.web
Follow us!
Call: 902-479-2489